Each release we always put a few copies of prints to one side. This is in case of damages or lost orders. Over time, these build up. We’re moving all fulfilment in-house to enable an upgraded service for you and more control over shipping and packaging. In the move, we’ve found some special bits and bobs. So we thought it would be fun to put together a few mystery tubes for collectors to pick up at a bargain price!
Each tube is worth at least £150 / $189 - PLUS contains one of two new prints by Matt Ferguson.
You will receive at least four (4) random prints from past releases, spares of sold out posters, printer proofs as well as the new print from Matt.
All for £49.99 / $63!
Prints include (but are not limited to) releases by Matt Ferguson, Florey, Tom Whalen, Peter Diamond, Marcelo Matere, Raid71, Luke Preece, Andy Fairhurst, Doaly, Vance Kelly.
Grab your tubes from 6pm / 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. Wednesday 29 November. From our Homepage.
From James, 'Head Geek' at Moor-Art